Friday, May 31, 2019

Feminism, Womanhood, and The Yellow Wallpaper -- Feminism Feminist Wom

Feminism, char, and The Yellow wallpaper The niminy-piminy period in American history spawned a certain gaze of women that in many ways has become a central part of gender myths still alive today, although in a diluted way. In this essay, some characteristics of this view of women, often called The Cult of true up Womanhood, will be explored with reference to Thomas R. Dew Dissertation on the Characteristic Differences Between the Sexes (1835). Some of the feminist developments arising in conflict with this ideal will also be traced. Then, in accordance with my view that literature and culture is often interrelated, I will proceed by with an analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilmans short story The Yellow Wallpaper as a critique of the gender roles of the time, commenting on its symbolism as well as its plot of land development. The 19th century was a time of male dominance more extreme than has been seen ever since. Dew portrays the woman as a weak and dependent dick that needs to be protected by the shield of woman, Man. Therefore, she is to be confined to a sphere of her own Home. This reflects two of the cardinal characteristics of True Womanhood (as defined by men, of course), the ideal woman of this period. Those are submissiveness and domesticity. It was widely believed that women were created inferior to men, and should therefore be commanded within the domestic circle. Support to this view was to be found in the Bible (which, not incidentally, is written by men), and although Dew is not so concerned with them, there were two other main characteristics of the perfect Victorian woman piety and purity, characteristics that delight and fascinate. Apart from subtle allusions such as her shri... ...ted normal womanhood to her, she felt that she was the anomaly. In this psychological conflict she motto herself trapped behind bars of male rule, and her yearning for freedom became destructive. Not so in real life, thankfully. the feminists succeed ed in overthrowing the male regime. Or did they? The Cult of True Womanhood is, in some ways, still with us. Works Cited and Consulted Dew, Thomas R. Dissertation on the Characteristic Differences Between the Sexes (1835). Breidlid, Brgger American Culture. An Anthology of Civilization Texts (1996), pp. 102-103. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. Baym The Norton Anthology of American Literature vol.2, 4.ed., pp. 645-657. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper?. Baym The Norton Anthology of American Literature vol.2, 4.ed.pp.657-658.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

HIV Prevention in Africa :: HIV in Africa

human immunodeficiency virus prevention in AfricaA continuing rise in the number of human immunodeficiency virus infected plurality is not inevitable. There is emergence evidence that prevention efforts can be effective, and this includes initiatives in some of the most heavily affected countries.One new study in Zambia has shown success in prevention efforts. The study reported that urban men and women are less sexually active, that fewer had multiple partners and that condoms were used more consistently. This is in line with findings that HIV prevalence has declined significantly among 15-29 year-old urban women (down to 24.1% in 1999 from 28.3% in 1996). Although these rates are still unacceptably high, this drop has prompted a hope that, if Zambia continues this response, it could become the second African country to reverse a devastating epidemic. This suggests that awareness campaigns and prevention programs are now starting to work. But a major challenge is to sustain and image on such uncertain success. What form should assist learning take?Peer educationA social form of education without classrooms or notebooks, where people are educated outside a school environment but still have the opportunity to ask questions.Most peer education focuses on providing selective information about HIV transmission, answering questions and handing out condoms to people in a workplace, perhaps in a bar, or where a group of women gather to dampen clothes.Most peer educators make contact with their target audience at least weekly and their sessions will usually be in the context of escaped discussions with individual people or within a group. Active learningActive learning can sometimes link into peer education, especially when AIDS education is aimed at young people, as one of the best methods of learning something oneself is to teach it to others.Blanket educationA general message aimed at the universe as a whole. Blanket education usually aims to inform the pop ulation about which behaviors are risky and to give them support in changing these behaviors. Targeted educationThis type of strategy is usually used to speak to social groups who are perceived as being at a high risk of HIV infection. It focuses on risky activities particular to the specific target group. AFRICA ALIVEJanuary of 2000 kicked off the campaign to literally help keep Africa Alive in the new millennium. The mission of the Africa Alive campaign is to give youth the skills they need to fight against HIV/AIDS. The vision is a new generation of Africans who are HIV/AIDS-free.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

War Against Boys :: essays research papers

War Against Boys Fact or Fiction One of the oldest debates in psychology is the nature versus nurture debate. Its roots extend far beyond the nineteenth century psychologists such as Freud and Skinner into the beginnings of scientific thought. Even Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato addressed the issue of how personality is formed. Today, a coition consensus has been reached that nature and nurture work in tangent with one another one can have m each biologic possibilities of which the environment determines the development. In any atomic number 18a involving gender however, this debate is still strong.In the War Against Boys How misguided feminism is harming our young men, Christina Hoff Sommers points out that some feminists still support the nurture expression of the debate without acknowledging any possibility of a biological influence. Sommers insists on examining the growing number of studies indicating that gender differences are not all socialized b ut are biological sex differences, just as differences in physiology between the sexes are biologically based. However, in her efforts to show how misguided feminism has become in its pursuit for gender equality, Sommers takes the other extreme of the debate and discounts any differences formed during socialization. Although literature for the biological explanation of gender construction is growing, one cannot discount the environmental influences as Sommers does.A Biological ExplanationIf there is one aspect of research in sex differences to which Sommers does justice, it is the research supporting the differing biology of males and females. She convincingly summarizes the evidence for the biological influence in a clear, concise manner.First, she addresses the cognitive abilities with which a large difference has been shown to favor males or females. Males are on the whole superior to females in visuospatial abilities, peculiarly mental rotation tasks (Halpern, 1992). In fact, Sommers doesnt mention this, but the effect size found in this area of sex differences is one of the largest that psychologists plain in any field with an effect size of d=0.9 (Halpern, 1992). While not the best at visuospatial skills, females are superior in their verbal skills especially writing, retrieval from long-term memory, and verbal articulation tasks (Halpern, 1992). These cognitive differences do not suppose a cause however. They could arise not from biology, but from socialization as the feminists argue.To prove a biological cause is implicated, Sommers has to draw on research that connects biology such as hormones or structural differences to related behaviors and preferences.

George Washington Essay -- American History America

George Washington - The Father of Our CountryWhy has George Washington earned the title Father of our Country? He was a great force leader and served as a general in the Revolutionary War. Washington was very involved in setting up the government of the United States and served as the first President. He is the most honored of any President and there are many things that help us believe him often. With altogether he has contributed to the success of our country, he certainly deserves this title.George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland, Virginia. He belonged to an old colonial family that believed in hard work, existence service, and in worshipping God (Ashworth and Carroll). As far as formal education George only had the elementary years. His favorite subject was arithmetic. But he was ambitious and egotism taught. At the age of eleven, his father died and this put great responsibility on his young shoulders (Milton 12). His older half-brother Lawrence be came a substitute father and helped to raise him (Flexner 5). At the age of seventeen, Washington was appointed surveyor for Culpeper county.At the age of twenty, with no training or experience as a soldier, George applied to the governor of Virginia for a foreign mission in the militia (Alden 8). He was fascinated with the war stories Lawrence told him and developed a keen interest in military affairs (Flexner 5). In February of 1753, he was commissioned as a major and put in charge of training militia in southern Virginia. Washington started reading and studying about military tactics and affairs. At the age of twenty-three he was promoted to Colonel and appointed commander and chief of the Virginia Militia. This was where George Washington learned how ... ...row economically and established a sound national government. He has been honored and revered more than any other president in history. His legacy is still remembered and celebrated. We should never forget this great man and all he did to make America the greatest country in the world. George Washington should always be remembered as the Father of our Country. Works CitedAlden, John R. George Washington a Biography. Baton Rouge Lousianna State University Press, _ _ 1984.Ashworth, Mary Wells and Carroll, John Alexander. George Washington. World Book _ _ Encyclopedia. 1969.Flexner, James Thomas. Washington the Indispensable Man. Boston Little, Brown and Company, 1974.Milton, Joyce. The Story of George Washington, quiet Hero.Milwaukee Garth Stevens Publishing, 1988.Twohig, Dorthy. George Washington. Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia. 1995.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and David’s The Oath of the Horati

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and Davids The pest of the HoratiiRousseaus view on the relationship between the individual and thestate and Davids painting The Oath of the Horatii ar two differentgenres with the same views, having French Revolution as the connectingfactor. Davids painting is not done for art sake but kind of an artfor the people sake. His painting does not include only aestheticpurposes but includes with ulterior motives. David has a preconceivenotion in his mind and has inflexible to give a pictorial representationof the preconceived notion and exploits all his techniques to ensurewhat is in his mind. It is because of Rousseaus impact of philosophythat David was able to use his intermediate of painting to achieve hispurpose. In The Oath of Horatii, Rousseaus impact on David isexpressed very well in the Davids neoclassical style which ischaracterized by clarity of line, logical and balanced composition,restrained facial expression, bold effects of light an d a minimum ofdistracting detail. It is very apt for Davids purposes since thestyle enhances and highlights Davids purposes in conveying hispolitical messages.The Horatii were chosen as champions of ancient Rome (Audio-VisualNotes 2001) and the legitimacy of being chosen as champions suggeststhe power of the state. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a soulfulnessor institution has dictum if they are able to command others to dothings. That authority is legitimate only if the person, orinstitution, possesses the right to command others. To be legitimate,the authority the state has over the people must come from the peoplethemselves, and not from a single entity such as the king. Power thatcomes from such sources is usually referred to as naked power. In sucha scenario, we cannot totally agree that the Horatii were comfortablewith the title as champions. They might be indulged to obey the statebecause they ought to, or because they are afraid of the consequences.In contrast, they m ight be honoured to be chosen as champions of Romeand this title might influence them into offering their lives onbehalf of the country.On the viewers left, a third of the vertical space is dedicated tothree men, Horatii, who are sons to the man, Horatius. The lightsflood across the scene onto the viewers right side, illumine themain characters and presenting th... ...rheads are facing down with eyes closed with their backs slouching.These choices of colours, postures and gestures suggest that Davidwants to create the solemn ambience within the female figures and thecontradiction of their particular give against the general will of thestate. In Rousseaus view, particular will is concerned with anindividuals advantage. The ladies may be convinced by their threebrothers and their novice to think that their particular will is theproduct of appetite while general will is the product of reason. Sincea person acting on his appetite is submissive and bad, while a personacting on reas on is noble and good, they should therefore obey thegeneral will and allow their brothers to fight even to the termination ofhaving duels with their own family members.With the cross referencing between Rousseaus views and Davidspainting The Oath of the Horatii that has been presented, we canconclude that it is because of Rousseaus impact of philosophy thatDavid was able to use his intermediate of painting to achieve his purposeand this is evident through the pictorial representation in conveyingparticular will and the general will of The Oath of the Horatii.

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and David’s The Oath of the Horati

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and Davids The Oath of the HoratiiRousseaus view on the relationship amongst the individual and thestate and Davids painting The Oath of the Horatii are two differentgenres with the same views, having French Revolution as the connectingfactor. Davids painting is non done for art sake but rather an artfor the people sake. His painting does not include single aestheticpurposes but includes with ulterior motives. David has a preconceivenotion in his mind and has decided to give a pictorial representationof the preconceived notion and exploits all his techniques to ensurewhat is in his mind. It is because of Rousseaus impact of philosophythat David was able to use his medium of painting to achieve hispurpose. In The Oath of Horatii, Rousseaus impact on David isexpressed very salubrious in the Davids neoclassical style which ischaracterized by clarity of line, logical and balanced composition,restrained facial expression, bold effects of light and a negligible ofdistracting detail. It is very apt for Davids purposes since thestyle enhances and highlights Davids purposes in conveying hispolitical messages.The Horatii were elect as champions of ancient Rome (Audio-VisualNotes 2001) and the legitimacy of being chosen as champions suggeststhe power of the state. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a personor institution has authority if they are able to command others to dothings. That authority is legitimate only if the person, orinstitution, possesses the right to command others. To be legitimate,the authority the state has over the people must come from the peoplethemselves, and not from a single entity such as the king. Power thatcomes from such sources is usually referred to as naked power. In sucha scenario, we cannot totally agree that the Horatii were comfortablewith the title as champions. They competency be indulged to obey the statebecause they ought to, or because they are afraid of the consequences.In contrast, th ey big businessman be honoured to be chosen as champions of Romeand this title might influence them into offering their lives onbehalf of the country.On the viewers left, a third of the vertical space is dedicated tothree men, Horatii, who are sons to the man, Horatius. The lightsflood crosswise the scene onto the viewers right side, illuminating themain characters and presenting th... ...rheads are facing down with eyes closed with their backs slouching.These choices of colours, postures and gestures suggest that Davidwants to create the solemn atmosphere within the female figures and thecontradiction of their situation will against the customary will of thestate. In Rousseaus view, particular will is concerned with anindividuals advantage. The ladies may be convinced by their threebrothers and their father to think that their particular will is theproduct of appetite while general will is the product of reason. Sincea person acting on his appetite is slavish and bad, while a personacting on reason is noble and good, they should therefore obey thegeneral will and allow their brothers to fight even to the extent ofhaving duels with their own family members.With the cross referencing between Rousseaus views and Davidspainting The Oath of the Horatii that has been presented, we canconclude that it is because of Rousseaus impact of philosophy thatDavid was able to use his medium of painting to achieve his purposeand this is evident through the pictorial representation in conveyingparticular will and the general will of The Oath of the Horatii.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics †F-16 Modular Mission Computer Application Software

About the Comp some(prenominal) Although they are a global security and information technology company, the majority of Lockheed Martins business comes from U. S incision of Defense and Federal Agencies. In fact, they are the largest provider of IT services, systems integration, and training to the U. S Government. The remaining portion of Lockheed Martins business is comprised of international government and some mercenaryised sales of products, services and programmes. Lockheed Martins operating units are organized into broad business areas Aeronautics $11. billion in 2008 sales includes tactical coursecraft, airlift, and aeronautical explore and using lines of business. Electronic Systems $11. 6 billion in 2008 sales includes missiles and fire control, naval systems, platform integration, simulation and training and energy programs lines of business. Information Systems & Global run $11. 6 billion in 2008 sales includes C4I (stands for Command, Control, Communications, C omputers, and Intelligence), federal services, government and commercial IT solutions.Space Systems $8 billion in 2008 sales includes space launch, commercial satellites, government satellites, and strategic missiles lines of business. Something about the F-16 The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon is a multirole jet fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States rail line Force. Designed as a lightweight, daytime fighter, it evolved into a successful multirole aircraft. Over 4400 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976 and it currently serves in the air forces of 25 nations. About the softwareThe Aeronautics division of LMs, based in Fort Worth, Texas has used the OMGs MDA to develop exercise Software for the F-16 standard relegation Computer. This software is cross-platform compatible and has highly increased productivity and quality. Just as the highly demanding environment of avionics software development and the MM C (Modular Mission Computer) itself. What is the MMC? The Modular Mission Computer is a cost-effective MLU (Mid Life Update) for the F-16, which combines advanced computing capabilities for both weapons and avionics in a single high performance system.Developed by Raytheon (Lockheed Martins F-16 team), it replaces three computers with one superior system, reducing weight by 55%, volume by 42% and power by 32%. What is OMGs MDA? OMG (Object focusing Group) since 1989 is a non profit computer industry consortium. Their board of directors represents most of the governings that shape, enterprise and internet computing today. Their membership includes hundreds of organizations, most of them representing virtually every large organization in the computer industry and many smaller ones.MDA (Model Driven Architecture) is a puzzleing standard, which along with UML (Unified molding Language), enable powerful visual design, execution and sustainment of software and other processes, in cluding IT Systems Modeling and Business Process Management. When and why was this software developed? The MMC upgrade was a part of the MLU process of the F-16. When plans of replacing the F-16 (in operation since 1979) with its inheritor in 1999 stalled, they decided to modernize the aircraft, which became the MLU (Mid Life Update). Part of this modernization process was developing software with cross platform compatibility.The goal should be to provide cross-platform compatibility of Application Software despite any Implementation, or platform specific, changes that is, changes to the Hardware Platform, the Software Execution Platform, or the Application Software Interface drawframe The development Process The F-16 MMC team originally used traditional CASE tools with an OO modeling notation to specify the software in the beginning manually coding it in adenosine deaminase (Language extended from Pascal). When they migrated their development to Kennedy Carters iUML tool, they g ained the ability to use a UML action language which made their UML models executable.They could then test their UML models to verify their intended behavior before hand-coding the implementation. More recently they have used Kennedy Carters iCCG product to specify, in viable UML, an Ada ordinance generator which can automatically generate degree Celsius% of the Ada implementation. By this means they guarantee that their UML models are entirely platform independent and portable across any future platform. drawframe eXecutable UML Modeling Overview xUML models are a complete representation of the problem space (not a top-level or preliminary design) Modeling is performed using aUnified Modeling Language (UML) representation Modeling makes use of a precise Action Specification Language (ASL) and is therefore executable (providing early validation of the models) Each xUML model is a Platform Independent Model (PIM), that is, completely implementation-independent (i. e. independent o f the hardware platform, the software execution platform, and the application software interface) _Design Tagging _Overview Whereas xUML modeling is platform- independent, Design Tagging is platform-specific (i. e. pecific to a particular(prenominal) Application Software Interface) Platform-specific design decisions (only those needed to support code generation) are made during Design Tagging, and are represented with design tag values that are applied to the xUML models The most standard implementation is always assumed by the code generator, such that only exceptions must be tagged Design Tagging is overlaid on (not embedded in) the xUML models, such that it may be included or excluded Design Tagging Specifying the PIM to PSM Mapping drawframe Automatic Code Generation OverviewAutomatic code generation is simply an extension of the code generation technique used for simulation of the eXecutable UML models on the development platform, this extension being for the target (embedded ) platform The code generator is developed within the same environment as the application software using the same eXecutable MDA strategy text editionlist-item roughly all implementation-specific design tasks (all but the design decisions represented by design tag values) are performed by the code generator, not the software developers Advantages of the eXecutable MDA approachIncreased Quality The majority of software developers are isolated from implementation details, allowing them to focus on a thorough analysis of the application space support of the application source code is eliminated, while maintenance of the xUML models is ensured Defect injection (and the resulting rework) is reduced by automating the software phase in which most defects are injected textlist-item Increased Productivity Rework is reduced Early validation through simulation reduces rework textlist-itemHigher quality implementation (due to automation) reduces rework Software development span time is redu ced by automating the implementation phase Application Software development schedule is reduced by at to the lowest degree 20% The code generator, not each software developer, performs the majority of implementation-specific design tasks 40-60% of physical source code Cross-Platform Compatibility One Application Software xUML Model database may be reused (as is) on any platform for which a mapping is defined (i. e. a code generator is developed) xUML models are compatible with any hardware platform, any Software Execution Platform, and any Application Software Interface xUML models are compatible with any implementation language References Dr P. J. Wright, Lockheed Martin Success Story 2002, http//www. omg. org/mda Lauren E. Clark, Power gratuity presentation, F-16 Modular Mission Computer Application Software 2001, Lockheed Martin Corporation. Lisa Hsu, Paper F-16 Modular Mission Computer (MMC), 2006, Raytheon Company

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Management a Factor of Production and Also an Economic Resources Essay

centering can be defined in various ways. In the words of Pride et al, concern is the butt of coordinating the resources of the organization to achieve the elementary goals of the organization. It is likewise defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in abidance with certain policies and in achievement of defined objectives. Taylor defined centering as knowing exactly what men do, and the seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. Today, however, charge is obviously a much more complex problem than the above definition portrays. Griffins(1996) defines it as the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling an organizations merciful financial, physical and information resources to achieve organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. Management is a dynamic process of getting things done with and by dint of the co-operative labor of others. It involves utilizing the various resources of an organization and combining them in such a way that the organizations goals are attained.Effective management is crucial to an organizations overall success. Individuals who are prudent for helping organizations achieve their goals are designated MANAGERS. A MANAGER is individual whose primary activities are of the management process. Specifically, a animal trainer is someone who plans, organize, leads and control human, financial, and physical and information resources (Griffin 1996). In rear words, he or she is responsible for allocating human and material resources and directing the operations of an organization. Thus, managers are fully responsible for the realization of results through the concerted efforts of other populate. Todays managers face complex, difficult and exciting timber of work life, increased diversity of the workplace, more genial and ethical responsibilities, environmental protection and other legal ingestments. They plan for the future tense, explore avenues of mo tivating employees and strive to increase their companys overall efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. The managerial attend to is one of the approaches to understanding the dynamic and complex process called management.The managerial flows are general administrative duties that need to be carried step up in some all productive organization. The most popular approach has been to describe what managers do, which is considered the functional view. It specifies the management process as a sequence of logical and rational steps. The managers functions are interrelated and are often performed simultaneously to achieve desired objectives. Fayol (1949) identified quintet of these functions as planning, organization, command, coordination and control. Over the years, Fayols list of five managerial functions has been updated and expanded by management scholars to include decision- making, staffing, communication, leading and motivating. These functions are briefly explained as fol lows a.Planning This is a dynamic process of deciding today what actions should be taken at sometime in the future and how best to tackle them. Developing a strategy for guiding an organization to a desired linear perspective at a given time in the future is referred to as STRATEGIC PLANNING. Planning helps main(prenominal)tain managerial effectiveness by guiding future activitiesb.Organizing Once a workable plan has been established or developed, the next phase is to arrange and allocate work, authority and resources among an organizations members in order to achieve the organizations goals. Other canonic concepts of organizing include departmentalization, chain of command, division of compass, spans of control, coordination and specialization. Proper organizing helps ensure the efficient utilization of human resources. c.Leading The leading function involves directing, influencing and motivating employees to perform assigned tasks. Managers try to create the atmosphere and pea ceful organizational climate, inspire their subordinates by serving as exercise models and adapt their management style to the demands of the situation. d.Decision-making Decision making involves choosing from among alternative courses of action. It connects the organizations present circumstances to actions that will move the organization into the future. Past experiences plays a major role in determining the choices that managers take.e.Staffing This is an integral part of the management process. It includes human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation/socialization, training and education, performance appraisal and compensation. It is believed that organizations are as good as the people in them. f.Motivating The term motivation refers to the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. Through motivation, managers try to get people to willingly channel their efforts towards the attainment of organizational goals. g.Communicating This is the transfer of information and understanding from one individual to another by means of meaningful symbols. It is a process that requires both a sender who initiates the process and a receiver-who completes the communication link. Managers use the communication process to carry out their functions and roles. For instance, no decision can be implemented until the managers effectively communicate it to the applicable individuals.h.Controlling The final phase of management process. It involves the following key elements establishing standards of performance, measuring current performance, comparing this performance to the established standards and taking corrective actions if deviations are detected. The controlling function helps keep the organization on track. Having discussed and defined management and its functions, we look at management as a factor of business. Production is the action of manufacturing, growing, extracting things especially in greathearted quantities. In economic s, production means creation or an addition of utility. While factors of production means inputs and finished goods means output. Output depends upon input. Input is the first point and output is the end point of the production process.The input output relationship is called production function. Factors of production (or productive inputs or resources) are any commodities or service apply to produce goods and work. Factors of production may also refer specifically to the primary factors which are including land, poke (the ability to work) and peachy goods applied to production. The primary factors facilitate production but neither become part of the product (as with raw materials) nor become pregnantly transformed by the production process (as elicit used to power machinery). The requirements or rather the factors of production are usually classified as the following a.Land Land is the natural resources available for production. It includes the natural resources inside the l and such as mineral deposits like coal and iron-ore. several(prenominal) nations are endowed with natural resources and exploit this by specializing in extraction and production of these resources.For example the development of the North Sea oil and gas. This is an important factor of production as modern factories extend on one level and require space for storage and parking. The returns or payments to land are called RENT. Land is not only the site of production but also natural above or below the soil. b.Labour This is the human effort, whether manual or mental that contributes to production. This also includes all human resources it may be skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled. Local labour markets vary in size and nature of the pool of labour. Cheap, unskilled and semi-skilled labour may be an important location factor for multinational companies while skilled labour is significant in high technology industries. For example, most products are manufactured in China because they o ffer cheap labour. Industries may be capital-or-labour intensive.Not all labour is of the same quality. Some workers are more productive than others because of the education, training and experience they have received. The reward or payments for labour is called WAGES. c.Capital To an economist, capital has several meanings including the finance brocaded to operate a business. But normally the term capital means investment in goods that can produce other goods in the future. This is also denoted as machinery or tools which are used in combination with labour for the purpose of making goods. It covers all man- made aids to future production. There can be fixed or circulating capital. The former relates to goods such as buildings or machinery while the latter refers to the stock of goods a firm has ready for use in the future, raw materials and components. Capital is the only factor of production which itself is created in the production process. Increases to the capital stock of a n ation are called investment. Investment is important if the economy is to achieve economic growth in the long run. INTEREST is the returns for capital.d. Entrepreneurship This is sometimes referred to as Management. Entrepreneurs are people who organize other productive resources to make goods and services. Some economists regard entrepreneurs as a specialist form of labour input. Others believe that they deserve recognition as a separate factor of production in their own right. The success or failure of a business often depends critically on the quality of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can also be referred to as the managerial, mod and risk taking qualities which an individual displays when combining the other factors of production in order to generate output. Management skills are a vital factor of labour and production under the heading of entrepreneurship. Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials and money. match to the manage ment guru Peter Drucker (1909 2005), the basic task of management is of two folds marketing and innovation.Innovation in the sense of creation of new products, ideas or services and marketing in the sense that management not only combines the available resources and other factors of production in the most suitable techniques of production in order to produce goods and services but it also ensures that these goods and services get to their final consumers in a perfect shape in that locationby maximizing profit which is the returns for entrepreneurship. Quite often the term management is used to refer to both the persons who occupy managerial positions as well as activities which managers perform. Management as a discipline consist of the interlocking of functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling and directing an organizations resources to achieve the policys objectives.Management can be said to be the brain or main factor of production because it controls and directs the other factors of production through various ways land- it is management that decides the best and most suitable site for production and it also knows and organizes for the expansion of the industrys production site if need be. Management also sources for capital or funds to run a business, it also sources for raw materials and machines require for the effective production of goods and services. Management also influences the human behavior which is essential factor of production. Every worker is individually different from the other workers as regards to his ability, knowledge, skills, socio-economic status, attitudes and ideologies.Management is concerned with the integration of individual efforts and how to decentralize them towards achieving the desired goal or result. Most workers tend to perform better when they are being supervised this supervising is also carried out by management or manager. Finally, having enumerated the role of management in the production process, you will strongly believe the assertion that management is a factor of production and also plays a vital role in an organization. In fact, without management, there will be no production and organization. Management is the chief head of all the factors of production because it is the only factor that assembles and integrates the other factors of productionMANAGEMENT AS AN ECONOMIC RESOURCEEconomic resources can be defined as the commodities that include goods, services, properties, merchandises and supplies that produce and generate income in the country. These are the assets (things of value) which an economy or business may have available to supply and produce goods and services to meet the ever changing needs and wants of individuals (as in the case of business) and society (in the case of society as a whole) Economic resources are scarce sexual intercourse to the infinite needs and wants of people and businesses operating in the economy. It is important to use these resources efficiently in order to maximize the output that can be produced from them. According to an economist, management is one of the factors of production, the other factors of production being land, labour, and capital. In a small enterprise, the owner may act as the manager. But in large corporations, there is a divorce between ownership and management. Management is the most active factor of production because it assembles the other factors. The efficient use of land and capital depends upon labour which is in turn governed by management.Management coordinates the other Ms (manpower, methods, markets, materials, machinery and money) of an organization and therefore, it occupies a unique place among the productive factors as can be seen. The efficiency of management factor can be ameliorated through training and development of executives. The importance of management increases with the tempo of industrialization. The economic and social development of mankind s ince the 2nd world war has occurred as a result of systematic and purposeful work on developing managers. The directors and managers have the power and responsibleness to make decisions to manage enterprise. The size of management can range from one person in a small organization to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies.In large organizations, the board of directors formulates the policy which is then implemented by the chief executive officers. Some business analyst and financiers accord the highest importance to the quality and experience of the managers in evaluating an organizations current and future worth. As an economic factor of resources, management makes a productive enterprise out of physical and human resources. efficacious management is the most important input in the success of an organization. The inputs of manpower, materials, machinery and money do not by themselves ensure growth they become productive through the catalyst of management.Fina lly, having defined management and discussed management and also economic resources, it is obvious that management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages managers and manages worker and work. Without management, there will be no organization and vice versa. Entrepreneur should ensure that the management team in their organization is effective and efficient in carrying out their duties as managers. The entrepreneur can also engage the management team in on the job training, seminars and other forms of training in order to improve their knowledge and at the long run improve the company productivity. The success and failure of a business often depends on the quality of the management team.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Product Positioning in the Market

ISSN 1392-2785 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS. 2008. No 1 (56) COMMERCE OF ENGINEERING DECISIONS Theoretical Aspects of Product military position in the Market R ta Ostasevi i t Kauno technologijos universitetas K. Donelai io g. 73, LT-44029, Kaunas The article consists of quaternityteen severalizes, starting with the introduction where the novelty, the problem of the interrogation, the object of the research, the purpose of the research and the research methods ar described.The purpose of the article is systemization and thorough description of the knowledge and information (found in a large number of sources) more or less the attitude concept, its position in the s.t.p. model, coherent description of the harvest-time attitude motion steps as recommendations for winning fruit location process accomplishment. It is obvious that to be successful a fruit must occupy an explicit, distinct, and proper place, in the minds of potential and existing consumers, relational to new(preno minal) rival productions on the foodstuff. Product posture is the tool around to achieve the above mentioned result.The article analyses how the product should be positioned on the market. The second part of the artic conceptions of product stead in the market. Those include Etzel, footnote, Stanton (1997), Ries and Trout (1986), Kotler (2006), Armstrong (2006), Bhat (1998), Fill (2006), Ferrel (1997), Lamb, Hair, McDaniel (2004), Boone and Kurz (2001). The third part defines the basement of product quest parts discussion sectionation, preying and perspective. The fourth part describes product localization steps, interpreted by contrasting scholars.There be two samples of product positioning process given (by Hooley (2004) and Hutt, Spech (2004)) and a model created by the authors of this article. The seventh part, identification and analysis of combative products in the market, describes the best means how to distinguish competitive products, different levels of compe tition. The eighth part, identification of determinant attributes and measuring their significance to the user, reveals the techniques for selection of determinant attributes and criteria for successful determinant attributes.The ninth part, identification of current position of the product and other competing products according to determinant attributes, shows likely ways of carrying out this product positioning process stage. The tenth part, composition of the positioning map, reveals the process of their creation and provides reasons why it is much(prenominal) a powerful tool for examining the positions of products. The eleventh part, the determination of the desired position of the product, speaks about the ideal position of a product and where companies want to position their products (the desired position).The twelfth paragraph, c anyed the selection of positioning or move strategy, reveals possible positioning strategies proposed by various authors, displace strategies, presented by Doyle, Stern (2006), possible reasons of inadequate positioning. The 13th part, creation of the positioning statement, discusses the three models of creation of product positioning statement X-Y-Z model, I-D-U model, and a-b-e model. The last part consists of conclusions on theoretical studies of product positioning process. Keywords product positioning, product positioning teps, determinant attributes, positioning map, positioning and repositioning strategy, positioning statement. Introduction There is no product in the world that does not drive a position. Product positioning is about visibility and recognition and what product represents for a buyer. In markets where the intensiveness of rivalry and competition are increasing and buyers have a greater intrinsic values become critical. An offering with a clear identity and orientation to a needs will not lone(prenominal) be purchased, but can warrant a large margin through increased added value.Numerous organizati ons are smacking to manage their positions occupied by their products and are development different positioning strategies to move to new positions in consumers minds and so generate an advantage over their competitors. Earlier positioning was very important in markets that are very competitive and where mobility barriers are relatively low. Nowadays these market characteristics can be applied almost to every industry or business, and to any economy. No product, of those which have survived, can be imagined without clear, distinct and intensive positioning.It is vivid, that for a successful product in the market good quality and well known give away are not enough. The product must occupy an explicit, distinct, and proper place, in the minds of potential and existing consumers, relative to other rival products on the market. Reaching (or not reaching) that desirable position in the minds of consumers is the result of successful (or not successful) positioning. The article analyse s how the product should be positioned on the market. The object of the research product positioning in the market.Purpose of the research to systemize and thoroughly describe the knowledge and information (found in a large number of sources) about the positioning concept, its position in the s.t.p. model, coherently describe the product positioning process steps as recommendations for successful product positioning process accomplishment. Research methods utilise Conducting theoretical studies of positioning in the market, the method of comparative analysis and systematization of scientific literature were used.Concept of product positioning There is a great number of different definitions of positioning in scientific literature of merchandising. The concept of positioning seeks to place a product in a certain rspective buyers. Marketers offerings from those of competitors and to create promotions that communicate the desired position. Boone and Kurz (2001) Scientists Etzel, Walke r and Stanton (1997) refer to a product and to differentiate (position) it in a favorable way from similar products. Ries and Trout (1986) distinguish from all other marketing theoretics, stating that positioning is not what is done to a product.Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. The same authors indicate that positioning starts with a product. A piece of merchandise, a service, a company, an institution, or even a person. However, Kotler (2006) defines positioning as the act of designing the upies a distinct and valued position in the target consumers mind. Scholars Kotler, Armstrong (2006) verify that market positioning is arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place, in the minds of target consumers, relative to competing products.Thus, marketers plan positions that distinguish their products from competing products and give them the greatest strategic advantage in their target markets. The purpose of positioning is to create a unique and favorable image in the minds of target customers, Bhat (1998). The author Fill (2006) states, that positioning, therefore, is the natural conclusion to the sequence of activities that map a core part of the marketing strategy. Market segmentation and target marketing are prerequisites to successful positioning.Product positioning refers to the decisions and activities intended to create and maintain a certain concept 1997). Positioning is developing a specific marketing mix to instigant, product line, or organization in general (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel 2004) perceptions of a products attributes relative to the attributes of competitive products. Buyers make a large number of purchase decisions every day. To avoid constant reevaluation of numerous products, buyers tend to group, decisions. Rather than allowing customers to position products independently, marketers must try to influenceThe steps of s.t.p. model The foundation of positioning theory is made of one of the most important repugns of the science of marketing. extremely diverse and that a the postulate it is simple to define the essence of the STP model to present the product to those consumers, who want it and are able to acquire it. The first two steps of the STP model serve to find and define the desired consumer, and positioning serves for placing the product in the desirable position in the minds of target consumers.Scholars Grancutt, Leadley and Forsyth (2004) thoroughly describe the STP model steps in the table below prorogue 1 The STP model steps Segmentation * Choose variables for segmenting market * Build a profile of the segments (sub-segments) * Validate emerging segments Targeting * Decide on targeting strategy * trace which and how many segments should be targeted Positioning * Understand consumer perceptions * Position products in the mind of the consumer * end appropriate marketing mix to communicate positioning Source Grancutt, Leadley, Forsyth (2004)Product positioning steps Scholar Winner (2007) has a distinct view on product positioning decisions he emphasizes customer decision making process as the most important issue in product positioning steps. According to the scientist, marketers have to answer the following questions when positioning the product What dimensions do consumers use to evaluate product offerings in the industry or category? How important is each of these dimensions is in the decision making process? How do you and competition compare on the dimensions? What decision processes do the customers use?The author Hooley (2001) recovers these stages of product positioning process Table 2 Product positioning steps denomination of competitors Singling out decision making attributes Evaluation out of decision making attribute significance Identify the determinant attributes and measure their significance to the user Product positioning steps Identify and analyze competitive products in the market Table 4 Identification of competitor position according to the most important attributes Identify the current position of the product and other competing products according to determinant attributesIdentification of consumer needs Preparation of a consumer map Selection of the desired position Selection of positioning strategy Source Grancutt, Leadley, Forsyth (2004) Compose the positioning map Determine the desired position of the product Select positioning or repositioning strategy Create the positioning statement Scientists Hutt, Spech (2004) suggest the following steps in the product positioning process Table 3 Product positioning steps Identify the relevant set of competitive products Identify the set of determinant attributes that customers use to differentiate among options and determine the preferred choiceIdentification and analysis of competitive products in the market Drawing positioning frames for a product, category membership should be determined first, i. e. other products that compete in the same market and can serve as substitutes. The best looked means for determination is allows collecting a large amount of useful data, which is easily systemized, adapted, neat statistically. One of the main advantages of consumer survey is the anonymousness. Deep interview can be also used to determine the rival products in the market, but due to larger time and financial costs is used seldom.Scientists Hooley, Saunders, Piercy (2006) state that competition can take place in the following levels Competition with products with analogous qualities Competition in the same product group Competition with other products that satisfy the same or very similar consumer take on Competition in the same consumer demand level As mentioned above it is vitally important not only to determine all products on the same shelf, but also determine the rivals to the hearty shelf. Identification of determinant attributes and measuring their significance to the userCollect information from a sample of existing an d potential customers concerning their ratings of each product on the determinant attributes offerings for each market segment Examine the fit between preferences of market segments and current position of product Select positioning or repositioning strategy Source Hutt, Spech (2004) Concentrating all discussed product positioning models the authors of this article propose the following algorithm of positioning process steps.After the identification and analysis of competitive products in the market, determinant attributes should be identify and their significance to the user should be measured. According to Aaker, (2005) determinant attributes define not only the products benefits and value to the user, but also associations with the product consuming process and with the consumer himself. The authors Hooley, Saunders, Piery (2006) consider a qualitative Determination of the desired position of the productIdentification of the current position of the product and other competing pro ducts according to determinant attributes Selection of positioning or repositioning strategy Composition of the positioning map It is important to mention, that the above mentioned strategies are not discrete and usually are just pats of complex hybrid strategies, used by marketers. Sometimes, changes in the competitive environment force marketers to repositi position it holds in the minds of consumers relative to the positions of competing products.Scientists Doyle, Stern (2006) suggest the following repositioning options (the first two are real repositioning strategies, the rest can be considered psychological) Introduce a new brand Change existing brand Alter beliefs about the brand Alter beliefs about competitive brands Alter attribute importance weights Introduce new or neglected attributes Find a new market segment Not only changes on the market lead to a demand for a new repositioning strategy.Very often the product fails because of marketers initial positioning mistakes. Bro oke (1994) states that a product may be inadequately positioned for three reasons The segment in which it is targeted might have become unattractive because it is too small, declining, too competitive or otherwise unprofitable. Positioning might be inadequate because the quality and features that the product offers do not appeal to the segment to which it is targeted. igh to allow it to be priced competitively. Scientists Grancutt, Leadley, Forsyth (2004), Kotler (2006) indicate four main risky product positions on the market underpositioning, overpositioning, confused positioning and doubtful positioning Table 5 Risky positions Potential risk Underpositioning find Some companies discover that buyers have only a vague idea of the brand and the features/benefits of that brand.Customers may not be aware of anything particularly special about the brand Customers may have too narrow a view of the brand. Therefore a consumer might think that a particular glass company, for example, only produces luxury items that retail at high prices. However, it may produce a variety of cheaper standard glassware. Customers could be confused about the position of the brand at heart the marketplace. This confusion may result from the company making too many positioning too frequently.Customers may find it hard to believe the claims made by the company about its brand in view of benefits, the price and the name of the manufacturer. Source Grancutt, Leadley, Forsyth (2004) This process is probably the most laborious and difficult element positioning implementation steps. Scholars Capon, Hulbert (2001) define the creation of positioning statement as a complex, creative, and highly interactive process, often involving many cut-and-try attempts, before the satisfactory result is achieved.Clear positioning statements have major value. For example, one of the most common complaints advertising companies make about their clients is that they have not clarified their strategies. Althoug h positioning statements are not advertising messages, they provide excellent difficulty. According to Kalafatis, Tsogas, Blankson (2000) positioning statements play a vital portion in helping to guide rts in the marketplace, they are both crucial internally and externally.Scientists Rossiter, Piercy (1997) define the following models for product positioning statement creation X-YZ macromodel I-D-U mezomodel A-b-e micromodel Creating positioning statement according to the X-YZ model, a marketer should decide on the following issues nded target audience (Y) product category (X) what benefit (benefits) does the product bring to consumer (Z) Any kind of advertising attempts should emphasize the benefit to the consumer, which should be unique emotions. he emphasized benefit must be important to the whole product category (I) not mention at all or forewarn consumer of possible product weaknesses (D). Conclusions Having completed the theoretical studies of product positioning in the mar ket the following conclusions can be made Positioning plays a key role when reaching the desired place in the mindsets of potential and existing consumers. Most scientists of the field of marketing define product positioning as arrangements for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place in the minds of target consumers, relative to competing products in the market.The position of a product is formed by products attributes relative to the attributes of competitive products Product positioning is an inseparable and most important part of the STP model. If the first two steps (segmentation and targeting) contain flaws or are inadequately or incompletely performed, successful product positioning is doomed to fail. Summarizing the opinion of various scholars, it is obvious that product positioning is a complex, Overpositioning Confused positioning Doubtful positioningCreation of the positioning statement From the research data obtained in the first steps of product pos itioning process and the marketing strategy developed, it is necessary to formulate a positioning statement that is in tune with the promotional objectives. continuing and chain process. While positioning a product marketers should at least (there can be more) go through the following steps 1. identify and analyze competitive products in the market, 2. identify the determinant attributes and measure their significance to the user, 3. select positioning or repositioning strategy, 4. ompose the positioning map, 5. determine the desired position of the product, 6. identify the current position of the product and other competing products according to determinant attributes, 7. create positioning statement. References 1. 2. Aaker, D. 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Dauguma organizacij bando valdyti savo preki vairias pozicionavimo strategijas, kad patekt naujas (norimas) pozicijas potenciali ar esam pirk j galvosenose ir taip susikurt ias prekes. Anks iau pozicionavimas buvo laba jimo barjer charakteristikos gali b verslui. N ti ir gana intensyvaus pozicionavimo.Tyrimo problema savaime suprantama, kad s kmingai prekei rinkoje geros kokyb turi ir tinkam viet esam ir potenciali vartotoj galvosenoje. Norimos pozicijos vartotoj galvosenoje pasiekimas (arba nepasiekimas) yra s kmingo (ar nes kmingo) pozicionavimo rezultatas. tur t b ti pozicionuojama rinkoje. Tyrimo objektas prek s pozicionavimas rinkoje. Tyrimo tikslas iai informacij apie prek s pozicionavimo koncepcij viet s rinkoje, kaip rekomendacijas s kmingai gyvendinti prek s pozicionavim rinkoje. Tyrimo metodai atliekant teorin prek s pozicionavimo rinkoje tyrim , naudota sistemin bei lyginamoji mokslin s literat ros analiz .Prek s pozicionavimo koncepcija Mokslin je marketingo literat roje galima rasti labai daug skirting prek s pozicionavimo rinkoje apibr . Boone ir Kurtz (2001) pozicionavimo koncepcij apib dina kaip prek s traukim tam tikr viet potenciali pirk j galvose. Autoriai Etzel, Walker ir Stanton (1997) marketing apib dina kaip vadybinink sugeb jim atkreipti vartotoj d mes prek ir palankiai diferencijuoti (pozicionuoti) j tarp kit preki . Jungtini Amerikos Valstij mokslininkai Ri es ir Trout (1986) kit marketingo teoretik , teigdami, kad pozicionavimas vertinti ir suprasti savo ir konkurent preki pozicij prek s rinkoje.Pozicionavimas n ra tai, k darome prekei, tai kaip veikiate potencialaus pirk laiko ir k rybiniu s, paslaugos, mon s ar iau pozicionuojant nedaroma Tuo tarpu Kotler (2006) teigia pinimas, kad prek , atskir ir norim viet i preki tikslini vartotoj mintyse. Apibendrinant prek s pozicija rinkoje yra vartotojo suvokimas apie prek s atributus, palyginant juos su konkuruojan ios prek s atributais. Kiekvienas pirk jas kasdien daro daug ir vairi apsisprendim pirkti. nuolatinio preki jai paprastai prekes grupuoja, arba pozicionuoja savo m stysenoje, tam, kad supaprastint ir sutrumpint savo sprendimo pirkti pri mimo proces .Kad pirk jai nepozicionuot preki bandyti veikti pirk j suvokim apie prek . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ferrel, P. Marketing 10th edition / Boston, 1997. 11. Fill, Ch. 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Kotler, Ph. Marketing management 12th edition / Ph. Kotler, K. L. Keller . Upper Saddle River, 2006. 20. Kotler, Ph.Principles of marketing 6th edition / Ph. Kotler, Armstrong, G. New Jersey, 1994. 21. Kotler, Ph. Rinkodaros principai / Ph. Kotler, G. Armstrong, J. Saunders, V. Wong. Kaunas, 2003. 22. Kotler, Ph. A framework for marketing management. Third edition. / Ph. Kotler, K. L. Keller. Upper Saddle River, 2007. 23. Lamb, W. Jr. Marketing. 7th edition / W. Lamb, Jr. , W. Hair. Jr. , C. McDaniel. Thompson south Western, 2004. Pozicionavimo pagrind postulat sudaro vienas svarbiausi marketingo s skirtingi, ir prek absoliu iai vardyti STP modelio naudojimo prasm potencialiai jo norintiems ir j galintiems vartotojams prek pasi lyti?tam-o-shanter naudojami pirmieji du STP modelio s rinkos nustatymas. Tik po to prek gali b ti pozicionuojama nustatoma jos pozicija tikslini vartotoj galvosenoje. tai nuomoni apie konkuruojan ias prekes (preki pozicij pasirinktos grup s asmen s mon je schema (Pajuodis, 2000). stymo pozicionavimo strategijas, mon nustato savo viet rinkoje vartotoj ir konkurent sti d l vartotoj grupi (segment ), kurioms bandys daryti poveik , ir kartu d l savo veiklos profilio, kuris patenkint min t vartotoj segment reikalavimus (tikslin s rinkos strategija). s irstomas etapais.Skirtingi autoriai pateikia skirting etap skai i , skiriasi ir j daugelio mokslinink si lomus prek straipsnio autor s pateikia tok j skai i konkuruojan i preki apsisprendimo atribut identifikavimas ir j vertinimas esamos prek s pozicijos nustatymas lapio suk rimas norimos pozicijos rinkoje nustatymas pozicionavimo arba perpozicionavimo strategijos parinkimas pozicionavimo teiginio suk rimas. Konkuruojan i preki pozicionavimo r mus prekei, pirmiausia reikia nustatyti nario kategorij , kitas prekes, kurios konkuruoja su preke ir gali b ti jos pakaitalai.Geriausias b ias prekes yra kiekybinis tyrimo apklausa, nes , kuris paprastai respondent ias prekes, galima naudoti ir giluminio interviu metod , ta laiko s naudas ir efektyvum , patogiau atlikti va rtotoj apklaus . G. J. Hooley, J. A. Saunders ir N. F Piercy (2006) teigia, jog iomis prek mis Konkurencija preki grup je poreik Konkurencija su kitomis t pat tenkinan iomis prek mis Konkuruoti to paties poreikio lygmenyje. Taigi nustatant konkurentus svarbu ne tik identifikuoti visas prekes, esan ias toje pa ioje parduotuv s lentynoje, bet ir nustatyti, kas konkuruoja su visa lentyna. teikiami naudos aspektai yra tinkami vartotojams. Anot D. A. Aaker (2005), atributas s savybes ir naud vartotojui, bet ir asociacijas su prek s vartojimu ir vartotoju. Kit mokslinink (G. J. Hooley, J. A. igimu, atributus geriausia yra grup . Pasak identifikuoti naudojant kokybin tyrimo metod V. Dik iaus (2006) tam gali b ti naudojamos tokios projekcin s asociacijos, testas, temos suvokimo testas, vaidmen vaidinimas. Atrinki atributai bus vertingi tik t pozicionavimo instrumentas, skirtas tiksliai vizualiai apibr vietoje pagal psichologinius veiksnius yra mon s prek s, palyginti su prek mis.Norint nus tatyti, kaip skirtingi preki pasi lymai yra suvokiami rinkoje, turi b ti numatomi pagrindiniai prek s atributai, pagal kuriuos suvokiama prek kaip tokia. Labai didel rezultatas) turi b rim . Tolesn l kes ius bei pirmum , ir kaip j plane atrodo prek su savomis savyb mis. Tam tikslui pasiekti ir sudaromas lapis. lapyje yra tas, kuris reprezentuoja labiausiai apsisprendimo atribut kombinacij ideali prek . mon s pasirenka norim savo prek s pozicij kuo ar iau idealios prek s pozicijos. augelis mokslinink (Fill, 2006 Kotler, 2007 Armstrong, 2004 Doyle, Stern, 2006) s pozicionavimo rinkoje Pagal prek s savybes Pagal prek s teikiam naud Pagal vartojimo b d ar situacij Pagal vartotoj Pagal konkurent Pagal preki grup Pagal kokyb ar kain Pagal kult rinius simbolius ar kilm . Svarbu pamin ra diskre tiesiog dalys sud ting hibridini strategij , kurias pozicionuodami prekes rinkoje, naudoja marketologai. 1. X-YZ makromodelis 2. I-D-U mezomodelis 3. a-b-e mikromodelis.Juose nurodoma, kas yra pozicionuojama, kam tai yra skiriama, kas turi b ti pabr Atlikus teorin prek s pozicionavimo rinkoje studij , Pozicionavimas yra svarbiausias instrumentas norint pasiekti norim prek s pozicij esam ir potenciali vartotoj galvosenoje. Dauguma marketingo srities mokslinink prek s pozicionavim rinkoje apibr pinim , kad prek , atskir ir norim viet i preki tikslini vartotoj mintyse. Prek s pozicija formuojama per prek s atribut suvokim , lyginant su konkuruojan iomis prek mis. Prek s pozicionavimas yra neatskiriama ir pati svarbiausia STP modelio dalis.Jei pirmi STP mode ar nepilnai, s kmingai pozicionuoti prek s rinkoje nepavyks. Apibendrinant daugelio mokslinink nuomones, akivaizdu, kad prek s pozicionavimas rinkoje yra sud tingas ir t stinis procesas. Pozicionuodami prek gali b 1) Konkuruojan i preki 2) Apsisprendimo atribut identifikavimas ir j vertinimas 3) Esamos prek s pozicijos nustatymas 4) lapio suk rimas 5) Norimos pozicijos rinkoje nustatymas 6) Pozicionavimo arba perpozicion avimo strategijos parinkimas 7) Pozicionavimo teiginio suk rimas. prek s pozicionavimas, prek s pozicionavimo etapai, lapis, pozicionavimo ir perpozicionavimo strategija, pozicionavimo teiginys. rieinamumas, pelningumas. Svarbu pateikti atribut , kurio nesi lo konkurentai, arba atribut pateikti specialia forma. nusta ius vartotoj apsisprendimo atributus, reikia numatyti, kaip pagal juos vartotojai vertina prek ir konkurent prekes. Tam geriausiai tinka kokybiniai vertinti prek ir konkurent prekes pagal svarbiausius apsisprendimo technikas, kurias V. Pranulis (1998) rio matavimo vertinimo skal s, Likerto (sumini vertinim ) skal , semantin diferencialin skal , Stapel skal vertinimo skal , fiksuotos sumos skal r , por pasirinkimo skal . The article has been reviewed.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Marketing Situational Analysis Essay Essay

The following essay is a situation compend of the macro-environment for a Melbourne based Australian ph wiz cover manufacturing government, called Kind.Kind creates a work of covers for all types of lively phones which argon recyclable, biodegradable and trendy. Kind conducts their own research, development, design and manufacture. The organisation was founded by a group of genesis Y, tech savvy and environmentally conscious people who saw an opportunity to create accessories in an industry considered to be consumerist. A view supported by Downie and Glazebrook (2007), Mobile phones wee been described as the ultimate example of consumerism.(p. 1).Kinds idea for their in vogue(p) ordain of covers specifically include hypo colour, (cover changes colour when activated by heating or cooling through personal touch), mood sensitive covers (cover changes colour congener to the emotion being felt by the person), and gel moulded covers with finger grips. They believe their value prop osition is to ply a range of produces that offer their customers socially accountable fun, feelings and functionality by being a customer-centred company.The following discussion under the sub-headings willing analyse the six components of the prompt phone industry macro-environment specifically identifying trends that whitethorn wedge Kinds hindquarters grocery, marketing-mix and planned marketing strategies.DemographicThe demographic environment shows a changing age structure in the population, changing family patterns, geographic population shifts, a better-educated and much-white-collar population, and increasing ethnic diversity., (Kotler, Brown, Adam, Burton & Armstrong, 2010, p. 160).This holds true for Kinds market in Australia with the population ageing, birth rates falling and increased liveliness expectancy, older people are predicted to outnumber younger people by 2050. This whitethorn pose a potential threat to Kinds target market in that there will be greater competition for customers entering the market or more creativity required to find sensitive markets. Kind may need to expand their product range to cater for the older generations with covers that address issues like restricted mobility and loss of coordination from conditions such as arthritis. built by Kotler, et al., (2010) The Boomer market will only grow in importance in coming years, as more boomer r severally loneliness age. (p. 145). This is a trend that Kind should elapse a close eye on and begin research and development in.Looking at Australias sure family pattern Kotler, et al., (2010), states smaller family sizes resulting from a desire to improve personal living standards, the increased number of women working outside the home, (p. 141), supports the view that there is market for the restless phone industry because the parents feel there is a security need to stay connected to their children. For children aged 5-8 years, almost all of them (95%) used their mobile phone more to contact family (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). This new group is otherwise referred to as tweens aged between six and 13. (Downie & Glazebrook, 2007, p. 1).It must be noted that Kotler, et al., (2010) defines the tweens as aged between 10 and 14, regardless, this group is increasing in market share and are demonstrating a trend towards strong purchases of entertainment products. Added pressure is set(p) on parents by the tweens who pass on grown up accustom to consumerism and are motivated by place and aesthetics in their purchasing decision. (Downie & Glazebrook, 2007, p. 1). This trend may be met by the inter-changeability of mobile phone covers because they are an sparingal means of maintaining the tweens forethought and status with their existing phones. An economical argument for parents to easily identify with and one which Kind can target.Kind has a product that appeals to a variety of demographic group for varying reasons. The youth group, often f urther defined as Generation X and Y demonstrate trends which Kind should consider when analysing their target market.Generation X is environmentally conscious, financially wary, value quality and is well educated, modify to the growth in white-collar population significantly. Generation Y are technically savvy, progress using mobile phone, email and chat rooms and have driven the Markets for teens toys and games, clothes, furniture and food (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 144). Whilst they are often viewed as selfish, statistics support the fact that they are a civic-minded generation with a conscience, (McQueen, 2007, p. 43). figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics which showed that in 2002, 28% of young people aged 18-24 had undertaken voluntary work in the previous 12 months, (McQueen, 2007, p. 43).A response to these characteristics may be a marketing-mix which communicates the social conscious benefits of Kinds products whilst promoting the professional business us e it also contains and the interchange ability making the product fun, easily. Kind would be remiss to not target the civic-mindedness of Generation Y by setting up a charity fund or trade-in cover transfer that gives something back to the community.Given Kinds target market is Australia wide, population changes between states is not truly relevant. However, shifts between rural and urban areas should be considered condition(p) the Australia Bureau of Statistics (2010) reports increases in urban population and decline in rural populations, particularly those affected by drought. The relevance in this statistic is that more households with access to mobile phones are located in the metropolitan area, Australia Bureau of Statistics (2010).EconomicIn developed countries such as Australia, mobile phones are moving towards no womb-to-tomb being considered a luxury item and more one of necessity given the use of mobile phones as the preferred method of communication for generation Yer s and white-collar Xers use as a business tool. The Bureau of Australian Statistics (2007) survey results have indicated a 7.7% growth in communications services each year on average with most of this attri thoed to the household use of mobile phone and internet services.This is relevant to the consumer spending habit in the rate of flow economic context which has affected income levels and household expenditure. More recently, the global financial crisis has led to a sharp decline in demand for luxury products, as more people have become unemployed, or are unsure of their job security. (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 149). This is a win-win situation for a mobile phone cover manufacturer given that sales will continue at a steady rate or if people do decide to maintain an existing mobile phone, they will want to ensure that it is adequately protected to last longer or give it a new look, therefore the consumers spending pattern is less potential to alter for this kind of product.Natural EnvironmentKind creates a range of covers for all types of mobile phones which are recyclable and biodegradable which would place their products in a very favourable position from a pollutant perspective.Some trend analysts believe that the decade after 2010 will be seen as the Earth Decade and that shelter of the natural environment will be the main worldwide issue facing business and the public. (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 151). Kind would be wise to examine their use of non-renewable preference they may use in the production of their products as well as the operations of their organisation. It is not just about the products they product being environmentally friendly, but the way in which they produce them as well. Knowing their carbon footprint and those within their supply and distribution chains would speak volumes. Even the way in which they market their products could be an opportunity to reinforce their green message, i.e. no use of print media in the marketing-mix.Kind ha s to also keep up with the issues affecting the mobile phone issues, such as the growing public concern of the mineral tantalum use in mobile phones. Research using Wikipedia (2010), reports that this is a product which is mined, with great affect on the natural environment. Exports of this mineral have been cited as share to finance present-day civic conflict over areas in the congou tea which are abundant in natural resources. Kind may find benefit in highlight the fact that the use of their product protects the longevity of a mobile phone, thus minimising the reliance on mining and people may veridically view a purchase of this product as actually helping the people in Congo.TechnologicalThe fast pace of technological advance is probably the most challenging aspect to Kinds products. Given the real variety of shapes and sizes of mobile phones in the market and the constant stream of new models, keeping up with this market requires Kind to be highly adaptable and have the abil ity to implement changes in products quickly. It may be savvy to target only the most habitual makes and models dependant on the demographic being targeted. semipoliticalThe political environment consists of laws, government agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit various organisations and individuals in a given society. (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 155).Given that Kind is a manufacturing business, distributing Australia wide, they need to keep abreast of developments which may affect manufacturing and marketing throughout all the States and Territory. Kind will be required to ensure that any packaging they develop conforms with current legislation along with any competitions run Australia wide meet all the State laws on gaming and lotteries.Again, in with reference to the mobile phone industry, who are in media reports regarding concerns over public health risks from the radio waves they emit causing an uncommon form of brain tumour as discussed by Lavelle (2005), Kind could designate some research and development actions towards addressing a solution to these concerns. This could be view by consumers as dangerous positioning as they are actually agreeing with a pressure group that there is a risk and attacking the market that directly feeds them.CulturalThe cultural environment shows long-run trends towards the use of branded products as a means of self-expression, decreasing organisational loyalty, an increasing appreciation for nature, and a search for more meaningful and enduring values. (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 160). Kind produces products which fit this trend fantastically as long as they market their environmental and social conscience and continue to develop products which allow the consumer to express themselves.The cultural environment is made up of subsidiary beliefs. Central to societies need to communicate is the belief that they cannot do so unless they have a mobile phone. It could be argued that the secondary belief is that they have to look steady-going and have the trendiest cover while they do it supported by Kotler, et al., (2010). Many people use products, brands and services as a means of self-expression, (p. 157).There may also be an opportunity for Kind to tap into the different subcultures as they are open to shifts in values and are impacted by popular activities. The possibilities are endless for Kind, in that if their organisation is highly adaptable, and new product lines can be easily implemented, they can keep pace with these subcultures. For example, monthly covers with the latest number one hit music artist on it.Kind can decide to take a proactive approach to the marketing and really build their products into something that shapes public opinion. As an example, the health risk on mobile phones and the potential for Kind to capitalise on providing a solution may bet risky but they are could make a real statement, leading the way and would be shaping the public opinion.ConclusionKinds ana lysis of target market has demonstrated that are a few areas demographically that hold value. These are the change in age structure with Baby Boomer demands on a solution for mobility and coordination issues, Gen X parents demanding to feel safer by being connected to their children, but notably highly influence in their purchasing decisions by the status and aesthetic tweens and finally the youth groups demanding to be socially networked via technology.Economic trends are not of great concern on these target markets as the need to communicate using mobile phones is demonstrating continued strong growth.The predicted trend towards the Earth Decade being the main worldwide issue provides the greatest opportunity for Kind. Their marketing-mix, product range and company values are well positioned to maximise the benefits associated with this trend.Kind is in an industry that is at the forefront of technological advances and must pay close attention to ensure that they maintain connecti on meaning they may have to restrict their product line to only the most popular makes and models.Political and cultural trends on the health risks associated with mobile phones are a concern to the target market. However, the consumers appear to be remaining ignorant. This could be an opportunity for Kind, but the risks associated with this should be carefully researched onward taking any action.The long-run trend towards an appreciation of nature and products being used to express ones self is primed for the products that Kind produces. Further supported by the secondary belief that people have to look good while they communicate using their phone is an almost perfect market for Kinds products. The adaptability of Kinds products and organisation can easily lend itself to different subcultures and any such changes within them.In summary, Kinds value proposition, to provide a range of products that offer their customers socially responsible fun, feelings and functionality by being a customer-centred company, has a large potential market with what appears to be matched by an actual market. The key is to translate this into demand.ReferencesAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Measures of Australias Progress, Communication, Children and Mobile Phones, Australia. Cat. No. 1370.0.Retrieved from http// Bureau of Statistics. (2003). Measures of a Knowledge-based Economy and Society, Australia, 2003. Cat. No. 1377.0. Retrieved from http// Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2008-9. Cat. No. 3218.0. Retrieved from http// Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Australian Social Trends, Trends in Consum ption. Cat. No. 4102.0. 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